Sunday 17 August 2008

No joke: Bill Murray leaps 13,000 feet to beach


Bill Murray landed in Chicago on Friday like he never had earlier - by jumping from an airplane 13,D feet up. The 57-year-old actor took several deep breaths before stepping out the open doors of a C-31 Fokker and dropping at about great hundred mph to the city's lakefront with members of the Army Golden Knights Parachute Team.

An exuberant Murray, whose jump kicked off the fiftieth Chicago Air and Water Show, landed safely on a beach. The actor pretended for a import to stagger as if dizzy, then smiled broadly, waved to the crowd together and shook hands with some of the Golden Knights.

Friends asked Murray to participate in the show, which features demonstrations and performances in the airwave and on Lake Michigan, to reinforcement the Illinois United Service Organizations.

But he wasn't so certain of his ground to jump moments ahead he boarded the aeroplane on a perfect 73 degree day at an Indiana aerodrome 25 miles from Chicago. Members of the Navy Blue Angels also disposed nearby for the record, which runs through Sunday.

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